Thursday, April 24, 2008


My new website is up and runnin'. WAHOO!!!

Check it out when you get a chance:



Jenny said...

I just browsed through your site! - Great work! :) it looks really clean and the photography is perfect!

- Nice job - congrats! - It must be a relief to be done

cam-ron said...

Looks awesome Kara. Seems like you've been busy and keeping up on the html. I like the white space and the pink throughout. So where in slc are you at? Are you just doing freelance, or do you have a daily grind? I know that 3form is hiring a web/graphic designer. I wanted to jump on it, but I'm still pretty happy where I'm at, and not quite ready to leave.

keep in touch,

nate said...

Pretty spiffy Kara! Really nice work. Welcome to SLC.

Jessica G. said...

Awesome Kara! It's great to see what you've been up to since we graduated, and that's a lot! Welcome to SLC; I've really been enjoying it down here.

Anonymous said...

at my new job, I'm allowed to do freelance on the side, which is super nice. I'm hopin' to build up my folio enuf so I can get my personal business going within the year.

About 3Form...Turns out the guy I'm replacing took that job. Ironic, eh?