Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Job Searchin'

Hey everyone. I've decided to leave my job in pursuit of a new gig. Does anyone know of any cool jobs that are open? If so, please post them up or email me por favor.


Mathias said...


When I was on the prowl I heard AXIS 41 was looking for some flash help. Plus I know one of the designers who works there and he's a super cool cat. Also I recently heard the guys at here in utah need designers. But I'm sure you'll find something, its a pretty hot market for designers right now. Good luck man.

cam-ron said...

I actually had Axis 41 offer me an internship last summer. I think the guy I interviewed with was Matt Scherer? I'd be pretty stoked to work there if you could put in a good word for me.

Cara said...
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Anonymous said...

I'll keep my ears open for anything. My work is currently hiring more front-end/back-end developers instead of designers. Oh well....

A good place to search for jobs is